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14 Apr 2017

Ways to clean your makeup brushes

In the art of makeup, there are lots of brushes, for contouring, concealing etc. Do you know that cleaning your makeup brush should be part of your beauty routine? because when you use them, bits of makeup oil, dirt and bacteria can get trapped in the bristles. Cleaning your makeup brushed is quick and easy.
You can use unscented bar soap, gentle shampoo or baby shampoo with lukewarm water. When washing with any soap you choose, be gentle so that you don't change the shape. Avoid the barrel below the bristles because if they eventually get wet they can cause them to loosen and fall off. Rinse thoroughly the tip of the brush under running water and dry. For brushes with extra cake dab with almond oil or olive oil to break down the residue before washing. Use a cloth to wipe your brush and lay them flat on a cloth to dry. Voila your makeup brushes are bacteria free. 

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